The beginning of 21st century is marked with the rapid growth and development of information technologies. At present, the information technologies play a crucial role into every field of human life i.e., from business to entertainment and from education to leisure. Information technology involves the application of Personal computers, mobiles, fax machines and the Internet. Communication with the people in distance countries or within the country has become very easy and quick and distance is no longer a barrier to share information or to communicate with each other.

Thus there has been a complete transformation in the world, with the development of IT. If we closely observe, we can see that the use of these technologies is on extensive scale and even uneducated or very less educated people are adapting the changing trend, The growing use of IT has created a need for translation, in the local or regional languages as majority of the people are not aware of English or any other language in which the content is written.

Technical Translation:

In wider sense, Technical translation means a special type of translation which includes translation of documents written by technical writers (o manuals, user guides, technical brochures etc.) To be specific, it means translation, of texts relating to technical subjects which deal with the practical application of scientific and technological information. Presence of specialized terminology is the main feature of technical texts. Technical translation covers the translation of many kinds of specific texts and requires a high level of subject knowledge and mastery of the appropriate language and writing conventions.

Generally speaking, technical translation involves any non-literary translation, i.e., translation of texts dealing with electronics, medicine, law, economics, or management. In a narrower sense, technical translations deal with texts from the area of engineering, including chemistry, computer science, automotive engineering, or various branches of technology. Over the years technology has evolved in many areas of life giving birth to new terminology and thus increasing the scope of technical translation services.

Technical Translation: It provides translation services to scientific and medical related business across the world. Scientific Translation has extensive experience with pharmaceutical clinical reports and studies and material safety data sheets and it involves translation of

• Medical / Scientific Questionnaires

• Clinical Protocol Synopsis

• Medical Evaluation Forms

• Medical / Scientific Articles

• Trial Contracts etc.

Main Problems in technical translation Due to some particular problems, the process of technical translation is not considered an easy process as compared to non-technical translation.

As, technical translation includes many technical terms, and it’s not possible to give the exact meaning in another language. Because many languages don’t contain the exact technical words. If the word is translated then it may be interpreted differently due to limited vocabulary of that particular language, in which the content is translated. There are also problems of ambiguity, lack of knowledge of technical terms, on the part of translator.

If the content is too technical, there is very limited scope for translation, in such case all technical terms should be “transliterated” and other non-technical information should be translated because people are accustomed to use the technical terminology in the source language and they better understand it in that way.

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